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Three Man Advantage - Album Info
Recording of the debut demo album has been completed. The four song demo was recorded in approximately 18 hours straight on April 14th and 15th, 2001. Final mastering has finally been completed. For those of you who heard the first mastering attempt (and there are very few of you), it was poor to say the least. The mixing has been redone at SPL Studios and the difference is like night and day.
The band surprised even themselves with the quality of the recording, unlike any that they have done or many of you have probably heard in the past. The four song demo includes three originals, "One Way," "Wasn't There," and "End It All," and one re-arranged cover, "Keep On Rocking" by The Steve Miller Band. Many thanks must go to the Hruska Family for allowing the band to recorded and for food supplies, and to Lee Hruska, the winner of the name the album contest, for much support and for rocking out with the band at the end of the recording session in the late (or early, depending on how you look at it) hours of the morning.
The album was recorded at Hruska South Studios and was mixed by the band as a whole. The album is produced by Spooge Productions Ltd. and will be distributed by SPL Records.
Free downloads are now available at Click here to visit the EC2 site on The CD will soon be available there as well for $3.99 + $3.99 S/H. Keep checking this site for updates as to when the CD will be available.
